Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Is Maude A Real Person?

The latest:

Hello --

I am trying to get my account reactivated. My email is ctr.xxx@gmail.com. I am attaching a scan of my driver's license and passport.

Over two week ago I tried reporting a fake profile, someone who was using a picture of my friend. A few days later I received an email that the account had been disabled, but it was my account that was disabled instead. I have emailed disabled@facebook.com four times and have never gotten a response. I eventually tried using the web form to report my problem and now I am being asked to verify my identity even though my identity was never in question. Please see below for both messages I've received when using the web form, the one that started this mess and the one I just received a few moments ago. Please also note that the profile that I originally attempted to have disabled due to it being fake has remained active this entire time. This has been going on for two weeks and I would just like my account to be re-instated.

Charlie Rogers

- Show quoted text -
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Facebook Support <privacy+nvn58jg@facebook.com> wrote:
Hi Charlie,

Thanks for providing this information. At this time, we cannot verify the ownership of the account. Please send a scanned image of a government issued ID (e.g. driver's license) to idrequests@facebook.com in order to confirm your ownership of the account. Please black out any personal information that is not needed to verify your identity (e.g. social security number). Rest assured that we will permanently delete your ID from our servers once we have used it to verify the authenticity of your account.

Additionally, you should make sure to copy and paste all of our previous correspondence into your message when you reply. Once we have received this information, we will reevaluate the status of the account. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations

-----Original Message to Facebook-----
From: ctr.xxx@gmail.com (ctr.xxx@gmail.com)
To: info@facebook.com (info@facebook.com)
Subject: LOGINPROBLEMS: Locked

User id: 0
Description of problem: My account has been disabled and I'm 100% certain it was a mistake but emails to disabled@facebook.com have gone unanswered for over a week now. What can I do?

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
-----End Original Message to Facebook-----

On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 4:13 PM, Facebook Support <privacy+nvn58jg@facebook.com> wrote:
Hi Charlie,

After reviewing the reported abuse, we have removed all offending content based on our Terms of Use.

If you need to report offensive material to Facebook in the future, please write to us at privacy@facebook.com with a link to the offensive material and a description of the problem. We will then review this material and take the appropriate action. Please be assured, these reports will be kept confidential.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations

-----Original Message to Facebook-----
From: Charlie Rogers (ctr.xxx@gmail.com)
To: info@facebook.com
Subject: Report a Fake Profile

User id: 678092890
Profile url: http://www.facebook.com/friends/?added&ref=tn#/profile.php?id=1073472816&v=info&viewas=678092890
Violator's name: Manos Funtu
Violator's network: none
Violator's email: funtulakiskapa@hotmail.com
Steps to reproduce the problem: This person is using a picture that is not his.

1 comment:

  1. For anyone following this saga who hasn't figured this out already, my account has been reinstated, with no explanation and barely an apology.
