Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Saying Nothing

I just haven't got all that much to say, but I suspect once I start typing, this post will write itself.

I've been having a lot of intense dreams lately, and mostly I don't remember them well past my waking moments, even when I try to cling to them. I do remember one last week where someone asked Marcio if he still was in love with me and he said, in the voice that we use to talk to each other, "Hmmm... not in love." Maybe I'm feeling needy. I didn't tell him about it. This morning I had a dream or something like one in which it came to me that maybe I should go back to school and pursue a career in a medical field, maybe follow Peter into the fast-paced world of nursing. It's worth investigating, and I will, as my life up to this point has been one meander after another.

I got a bit of writing done today on a story I've been working on for a few weeks. I expect it'll be done in a few days, and it's always pretty exciting to near the end of a story even if I know no one's gonna read it. This is the fourth in a series of short stories, a project I've been working on since February, and the first large writing project I've undertaken since ... oh ... 1995? More on this: yeah, it's been pretty fantastic to be writing again, like connecting with an old friend who is actually a bitchy taskmaster, but one that I love dearly. Nothing in this world gives me the satisfaction I get from getting a story out and now that I'm doing it again, I wonder how I survived all those years that I wasn't. This particular story has a thread to it that is nakedly autobiographical, but I always include at least a bit of myself. Write what you know. Yeah. Once I get this project finished I might try to branch into something different, since I've tamped down the dirt of the well-worn path of my own aimless history in fiction more than enough times and maybe it's time to figure out if I've got anything else in my bag of tricks, more than just a lot of unnecessary commas and the occasional mixed metaphor.

I joined Facebook while writing this post. Gulp. I have to confess, it frightens me, but social networking always scares me in the same way that I always have to hesitate before walking into a new place, and prefer to follow someone else in. It may turn out like the other sites I've joined where I basically ignore it, but it could become a new way to waste a lot of time and earn the ire of everyone who knows me. Exciting!

See? Pretty long for having nothing to say, and especially long for saying nothing.

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