Monday, December 6, 2010

New / Old

I was writing a blog, on and off, for a few years, when just a few weeks ago I decided to repurpose it as a photo blog. A good idea, of sorts, and I've been posting much more frequently, but I quickly realized that I was missing having a place to post my other outlets: fiction, poetry, political ramblings, and over-shared snapshots from my tortured brain. So I decided to move all the old posts from my original blog to a new one, and it took me about two seconds to settle on a new name. "Notes from Underwater" was the name of my personal website from 1995 - 2001, the first website I ever created, so while in some ways I've become a totally different person than the twenty-three year old who first came up with the name, I'm still that same guy and I still have some of the same struggles. So here I am again.

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