Friday, June 11, 2010

San Francisco, Day 2.

It's not quite 9 a.m. and I feel like I've already had a full day. I had forgotten this lopsided quality to my life here: so much activity in the morning that the rest of the day sometimes felt empty. I don't think that will happen today because I'm only here for a week so I can't take my time here for granted as I could when I lived here, and my friends and close acquaintances aren't taking me for granted as they might have when I was always around.

At Peet's I see people I knew well, not so long ago, chat with some people I didn't know so well, and even meet new people. That's a possibility that never even occurred to me.

I haven't been gone long enough for people to forget me, as they have in Philadelphia, and the truth is, I haven't even been gone long enough to people to realize that I've left. A former neighbor pops his head in to ask me if I've moved out of the neighborhood. I haven't seen you in a while, the girl at Peet's says. I've forgotten that not everyone can see my Facebook updates, and maybe I even forget that not everyone would want to.

I remember at this time last year I was haunted, tortured by inappropriate, seemingly uncontrollable feelings for a friend of mine. He stops by too, fitting, as this is the place where we first met. His smile still makes me smile, but a year later, we're both different people now.

I've already had a full day and there's so much day left. I should go back home and get something to eat.


Is it possible that my visit could be going so well?

Firmed up some plans for other things to do, people to see this weekend and into next week. Wandered to Dolores Park with Kurt and made my first trip back to the Safeway. I admit, I miss the Safeway more than maybe anything else about this place.

Tonight I'm thinking I'll go to the bar that I used to go to on Friday nights, even though going out, and drinking, have really not been a big part of my life since I left here, hoping to see a different segment of people that I've known here. I guess I'll make my report tomorrow on how that goes. Dinner and TV with Kurt now.

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