Wednesday, June 16, 2010

San Francisco, Day 6.

It's my last day, my last full day, and I find my way back into my old building, into the backyard.

I shot pictures of so many people back here. From Barton to Jeff to Joe to Richard, so many stops along the way, and it was here that my photography grew from a habit to what I hope could be a career. It doesn't look like much but somehow I made it work for me, over and over, and so I need to pay some homage to the space.

More important, really, is that this odd little parking lot with the red fence served as the view out my window for six years. My life on the east coast has picked up a lot of threads that I had let drop when I moved away almost a decade ago, so I like to joke that my time in San Francisco never really happened. But it happened, and it happened here, overlooking the space where I stand.

I can't have it back, but as it happens, life treads forward. A shocking discovery, I know.

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