Monday, August 4, 2008

My big gay life, part 1.

Since I've gone to the trouble of putting an adult warning on this piece o' blog, I might as well post something other than photos of cute children and pretty flowers. Maybe I should introduce myself a bit more?

This is me. I took this picture of myself at my boyfriend's apartment in Long Beach. Did I take my shirt off for the benefit of the camera (benefit being a relative term, of course), or was it already off because, well, it's hot down in southern California? Only my hairdresser knows for sure.

This is my boyfriend, Marcio. I took this picture outside the garage in the back of the building I live in, about a month after we met. Did he take his shirt off for the benefit of the camera? Hell yes. Does he like this picure? Probably not.

Here we are at a big gay dance party in San Francisco. Big! Gay! Do I feel self-conscious being shirtless in public, next to him? Um, yeah. Are my eyes always that large? I hope not. Marcio and I met at a dance party and this was the first party we attended as a couple, nine months later (lest you think we're big gay dance party whores). I cropped a bunch of people out of this picture and I hope they aren't offended.

Marcio's birthday party. I know this picture is cute and all but to quote countless sorority girls, "Oh my god, I got so drunk..." For the record, I quote sorority girls all the time, but I try not to act like one.

This is Olive. Like her dad, she has a somewhat sordid past. And like her dad, she got fat.

On the ferry to Larkspur, approximately a year ago, taken by my Dad. I post this purely to prove that I do know how to smile.

I have a million more pictures I could put up but I'm not yet convinced that anyone cares, and it is kinda late. I go back home in two days, so I'm starting to try to shift back to California-time, but I should probably occupy myself more productively than blogging into a void.


  1. Dear Charlie,

    Shirt off = benefit of viewers for sure ;-)
    Marcio = hot boyfriend you bet :-P
    Photo at big gay dance party = hot couple :-)
    Marcio's birthday photo = beautiful (H)
    A handsome man with a cat = now I am melting :$
    Photo on ferry = one terrific smile :-D

    You are not blogging into a void please don't stop. Your pictures are wonderful and expressive. I love them.

    Bob L.

  2. Thanks, Bob. I did get your other comment but I had to remove it for reasons I'd rather not explain here (but you might be able to guess.)

  3. Nice pictures, and Marcio looks like a honey. Where is he from down here?

    Also -- what's with the adult warning? It's like you promised cake and served only cookies.

  4. p.s. - Long live big gay dance party whores.

  5. He's originally from Porto Alegre but he came here via a stint in Rio -- Chris C. knows him from there, as they crossed paths before swapping places.

    The adult warning was a decision I made because although I knew I'd start out serving dry biscuits, I knew I might move on to cookies, and later, maybe, to cake. I think my last post ("September Song") has a bit of cakey goodness to it.

  6. Shirt on, shirt off (very Mr. Miagi, I know), you always look sexy, and I've thought that for years now.

    But definitely, matey, you really need to smile more! It brightens your face up, your whole body, and definitely makes me feel good....hmm, I'm starting to feel like some cake! *LOL*

  7. Love the pix! You're a great looking guy and get more fascinating the more I read. You should have a corresponding flickr page... a visual counterpart to your words.

  8. Don't feel self-conscious. He has seen that something in you which you may not realize about yourself.

    In eight years of closed off heart silence, this has happened to me only twice.
